Publications listed below have been published by Klimapolis partners and are related to the scientific themes of the Laboratory. These are non-exhaustive and this page will be updated regularly.

Learning from Brasilia: Patterns of Development, Urbanism and Urbanity for the Integration between City and Nature in the XXI Century​
Anelli, Renato Luiz Sobral; Koury, A.P. Registros Revista de Investigación Histórica, v. 19, p. 112-131, 2023.
Notas introdutórias sobre infraestruturas e mudança climática
Tavares, Jeferson, & Anelli, Renato. (2023).Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo.
Why do extreme events still kill in the São Paulo Macro Metropolis Region? Chronicle of a death foretold in the global south.
Travassos, L., Torres, P. H. C., Di Giulio, G., Jacobi, P. R., Dias De Freitas, E., Siqueira, I. C., & Ambrizzi, T.
2020, In: International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 1-16.
Klaus Frey, Pedro Henrique Campello Torres, Pedro Roberto Jacobi, Ruth Ferreira Ramos
Evaluation of atmospheric aerosols in the metropolitan area of São Paulo simulated by the regional EURAD-IM model on high-resolution
Duarte, E. D. S. F., Franke, P., Lange, A. C., Friese, E., da Silva Lopes, F. J., da Silva, J. J., ... & Hoelzemann, J. J.
23.12.2020, In: Atmospheric Pollution Research
Evaluation of the impact of the national strike of the road freight transport sector on the air quality of the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ventura, L. M. B., Ramos, M. B., Márcio de Almeida, D. A., & Gioda, A.
06.11.2020, In: Sustainable Cities and Society
Development of a spatialized atmospheric emission inventory for the main industrial sources in Brazil
Kawashima, A. B., Martins, L. D., Abou Rafee, S. A., Rudke, A. P., de Morais, M. V., & Martins, J. A.
2020, In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Governing complexity and environmental justice: lessons from the water crisis in Metropolitan São Paulo (2013-2015)
Torres, P. H. C., Côrtes, P. L., & Jacobi, P. R.
2020, In: Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente
Is the Brazilian National Climate Change Adaptation Plan Addressing Inequality? Climate and Environmental Justice in a Global South Perspective
Torres, P. H. C., Leonel, A. L., Pires de Araújo, G., & Jacobi, P. R.
16.04.2020, In: Environmental Justice
Occurrence of Pesticides Associated to Atmospheric Aerosols: Hazard and Cancer Risk Assessments
Yera, A. M., Nascimento, M. M., da Rocha, G. O., de Andradeb, J. B., & Vasconcellos, P. C.
2020, In: J. Braz. Chem. Soc.
Ozone trends on equatorial and tropical regions of South America using Dobson spectrophotometer, TOMS and OMI satellites instruments
Sousa, C. T., Leme, N. M. P., Martins, M. P. P., Silva, F. R., Penha, T. L. B., Rodrigues, N. L., ... & Hoelzemann, J. J.
10.04.2020, In: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
When salient science is not enough to advance climate change adaptation: Lessons from Brazil and Australia
Serrao-Neumann, S., Di Giulio, G., & Choy, D. L.
07.05.2020, In: Environmental Science & Policy
[Book] Global Water Security Issues (GWSI) Case Studies: Water Security and the Sustainable Development Goals
A comparative chemical study of PM10 in three Latin American cities: Lima, Medellín, and São Paulo
Pereira, G. M., Oraggio, B., Teinilä, K., Custódio, D., Huang, X., Hillamo, R., ... & de Castro Vasconcellos, P.
02.09.2019, In: Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health
Air quality of an urban school in São Paulo city
Pereira, D. C. A., Custódio, D., de Andrade, M. D. F., Alves, C., & de Castro Vasconcellos, P.
19.10.2019, In: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Analysis of PM2.5 concentrations under pollutant emission control strategies in the metropolitan area of São Paulo, Brazil
Taciana, T. D. A., West, J., Andrade, M. D. F., Ynoue, R. Y., Andreão, W. L., dos Santos, F. S., ... & Martins, L. D.
13.09.2019, In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
A new energy world in the making: Imaginary business futures in a dramatically changing world of decarbonized energy production
Engels, A., Kunkis, M., & Altstaedt, S.
24.10.2019, In: Energy Research & Social Science
Bridging the gap between will and action on climate change adaptation in large cities in Brazil
Di Giulio, G. M., Torres, R. R., Lapola, D. M., Bedran-Martins, A. M., da Penha Vasconcellos, M., Braga, D. R., ... & Jacaúna, T.
01.11.2019, In: Regional Environmental Change
Evaluation of New CORDEX Simulations Using an Updated Köppen–Trewartha Climate Classification
Remedio, A. R., Teichmann, C., Buntemeyer, L., Sieck, K., Weber, T., Rechid, D., ... & Jacob, D.
19.11.2019, In: Atmosphere
Exploratory and comparative analysis of the morphology and chemical composition of PM2.5 from regions with different socioeconomic characteristics
Quijano, M. F. C., Mateus, V. L., Saint'Pierre, T. D., Bott, I. S., & Gioda, A.
25.03.2019, In: Microchemical Journal
Extreme events, climate change and adaptation in the state of São Paulo
Giulio, G. M. D., Torres, R. R., Vasconcellos, M. D. P., Braga, D. R., Mancini, R. M., & Lemos, M. C.
2019, In: Ambiente & Sociedade
Inspection and maintenance programs for in-service vehicles: An important air pollution control tool
Ventura, L. M. B., de Oliveira Pinto, F., Gioda, A., & Márcio de Almeida, D. A.
14.11.2019, In: Sustainable Cities and Society
Lifelong Learning and its Importance in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Vieira, D.
01.10.2019, In: Quality Education
Desenvolvimento urbano em áreas de fronteira: o caso do Itaim Paulista
Koury, A. P., & Cavallari, T. V.
14.06.2018, In: urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana