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Scientific Partners

INterdisciplinary CLimate INvestigation cEnter (INCLINE)

INCLINE is a Climate Change Research Support Center, created in 2011 at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. Since its reaction, INCLINE has been making advances in the production and dissemination of knowledge and promoting activities which consolidate aspects of innovation, internationalisation and interdisciplinarity around the theme of global changes, with a vision to innovate and provide greater support for public policies and strengthen the relationship between science and society.

Environmental governance of the Paulista macrometropolis under climatic variability (MacroAmb)

The objective of this project is to analyze in an interdisciplinary way, through 5 subprojects in the context of the Paulista Macrometropolis, the set of processes that should compose an agenda of action and integration of the different interfaces of environmental governance associated with water and its various uses. It aims, therefore, to understand and analyze the impacts of broad processes of environmental degradation and increase macrometropolitan vulnerability, as well as to propose an innovative agenda for action and integration of the different interfaces of environmental governance within a framework of climatic variability.

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